Find Your Body Confidence with Youtuber Sadie Bass

Sadie Bass wearing Pour Moi lingerie, swimwear and sportwear

Fashion influencer, YouTuber and all-round Pour Moi babe, Sadie Bass is all about body confidence. From her creative fashion and beauty reels to her catchy captions, we can’t get enough of her! So, we caught up with the YouTuber about her own journey with body confidence and what inspires her creative content.

Tell us a bit about yourself? How did you become a fashion influencer & YouTuber?

Sadie Bass wearing Pour Moi lingerie

Back when Instagram first launched, I was always that annoying friend who forced everyone to take pictures of me on nights out. I used to be a makeup artist, but I found the pressure too much, if someone didn’t like their makeup I just wanted to cry! However, in my spare time I would create makeup looks on myself and share them on Instagram. 

But it was how open I was about my body struggles and my journey with self-love and body acceptance that really resonated with my following. I remember when I used to try and make my pictures look perfect. Whereas now all I want to do is talk about taboo topics and try to help people realise that a lot of the things we feel shame about, such as body hair and periods, is completely normal.

What inspires your content?

Sadie Bass wearing Pour Moi clothing

I mostly want to make people laugh or feel good about themselves, especially on Instagram stories. A lot of the time before I put something out there, I think how will this benefit my audience? If it’s not bringing any value to them, I usually don’t post it.  

I get a lot of my inspiration from Pinterest; I make a board for every month of the year. Whether it’s outfit colour combos or an old Hollywood photograph I add them to my Pinterest boards and refer to them when shooting. But sometimes pictures that are in the moment end up being my favourite, like candid ones that I’ve taken when I’m out with my friends.

What does body confidence mean to you?

Sadie Bass wearing Pour Moi lingerie

Living a life that’s free without the constraints of worrying about your body image. I can’t believe how many years of my life I’ve wasted on hating myself. It has affected my relationships, days out with friends and my overall mental health.  

I look back now and feel sad at how I used to see myself. I weigh the most I ever have currently but I’m also the happiest! You don’t even have to love everything about your body as that’s nearly impossible, but I have learnt how important it is just to accept your body for what it is.

What advice would you give to others on confidence?

Sadie Bass wearing Pour Moi swimwear

Here are the tips that helped me loads with my body confidence and I hope they can help others too: 

  • Follow people with a similar body to you, seeing your body represented will be huge for your confidence. 
  • Unfollow or mute anyone who makes you feel bad about yourself or your body. We forget we’re in control of our social media and we decide what we consume. 
  • Talking to yourself nicely, for every bad thing you point out in the mirror try and notice a good thing. Write lists of all the things you love about yourself, these can be physical or even about your personality. We are so much more than just how we look. 
  • Wear things that you love and make you feel confident. There were so many things I thought I couldn’t wear but ultimately wearing things that you find beautiful will make you feel good and confident. 
  • This one is a bit crazy but whenever I feel low I put on a sexy underwear set and dance around my room on my own to Ariana Grande and honestly it makes such a difference. You wouldn’t think it but you feel unreal after! 

What have been your highlights of the year?

A huge highlight for me was leaving my job and becoming self-employed to do this full time! It’s crazy as I never thought I’d be here, but scary too as although it’s fun being my own boss it also means there’s less incentive for me to get up and stop watching Netflix! 

Getting to work with brands like Pour Moi who share the same values as me has also been a great highlight! I got to be at their summer shoot creating videos and honestly it was a massive pinch me moment! I’m 5ft3 and size 12 so whenever I get to model for anything I’m like wow.